It's your 

It's our job to propel you to the throne.

Our services

When it comes to solving problems for our clients, we understand that one size doesn’t fit all. Each problem requires a unique, tailored solution. That’s why we don’t box ourselves into thinking of our services as Above-the-line, Below-the-line, Shopper Marketing, Promotions or Digital advertising solutions. Sure, those are skills we collectively possess.

But in order to do truly brave work that’s able to keep up with our audiences in these fast changing times, we walk the journey of finding the right mix of disruptive touchpoints with you, while always staying true to our core marketing principle – that our audience is the inspiration for everything that we do:

through strategically led, purposefully driven creative that inspires, disrupts, and puts the brand front and centre in the consumer’s mind.

through actionable insights that influence attitudes and change behaviour.

to develop mutually beneficial campaigns that untap brand potential to grow our Clients’ brands, and the retailers’ categories.

to help them ensure that the right products are in the right places, supported in the right ways.

Because that’s how kings and queens are made.
We realise that the advertising playing field hasn’t always been level. That’s why we created LimeLightSA 4 Africa NPC to give our top-performing BBBEE-eligible team members the chance to become sole beneficiaries, while investing in their management and leadership skills. We are a proud Level 2 BBBEE agency.
Because we’re constantly working to understand the realities of our consumers and our communities, we can’t ignore the need we see in our beautiful country. That’s why we’re proud to be able to be involved with AWQAFsa and Miracle Mission – organisations dedicated to making meaningful change by empowering their communities.

Join our crew

The world needs good people. People who care about what they do. Who want to make a difference. People who park their egos at the door and roll up their sleeves to make something impactful and beautiful. If you’re one of those people, we need you. So, keep an eye out for a spot on our team.

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